

James Wheeler

在每天的数学课上,用当天的文字问题作为开场白是一个很好的学习方法!在数学课的开始阶段加入文字问题,以建立信心、批判性思维能力和学习共同体。 学生将习惯于阅读的意义,同时也识别关键信息。 鼓励学生写出方程式和画图来解释他们的思考,因为这有助于他们在被困住的时候看到光明!

这些幼儿园数学单词问题的主题包括加法、减法、比较、数感、数字比较和测量。 想要这一整套幼儿园数学单词问题的简单文件吗? 请在此提交您的电子邮件,获得免费的PowerPoint捆绑包。 您只需将其中一个问题张贴在您的白板或投影仪屏幕上。 然后让孩子们从那里接手。

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James Wheeler

James Wheeler is a veteran educator with over 20 years of experience in teaching. He holds a master's degree in Education and has a passion for helping teachers develop innovative teaching methods that promote student success. James is the author of several articles and books on education and regularly speaks at conferences and professional development workshops. His blog, Ideas, Inspiration, and Giveaways for Teachers, is a go-to resource for teachers looking for creative teaching ideas, helpful tips, and valuable insights into the world of education. James is dedicated to helping teachers succeed in their classrooms and making a positive impact on the lives of their students. Whether you're a new teacher just starting out or a seasoned veteran, James' blog is sure to inspire you with fresh ideas and innovative approaches to teaching.