

James Wheeler

Table of contents

如果你让一个小孩子告诉你一部电影(又称总结一部电影),你会得到最随机的细节和事件的集合。 例如,如果你说 "告诉我灰姑娘",你会得到类似 "她穿着漂亮的衣服,她妈妈非常刻薄,猫想吃有衣服的老鼠,我想在万圣节成为灰姑娘!"绝对迷人,但不是一个总结。

See_also: 40多个文学手法的例子以及如何教授它们

不用说,学习总结需要练习和指导。 这可以从年轻的学习者开始,你要求他们画出总结的各个组成部分的图片。 一旦孩子们掌握了这个方法,你可以要求他们提供一个基于文本的总结。


See_also: 50个让我们笑出声来的教师笑话

所有这些都可以通过本周的免费印刷品来实现。 它有两个版本(一个是较简单的字体,年轻的孩子更容易阅读,另一个是较年长的孩子感兴趣的字体)。 你可以用这一串提示词(某人、想要、但是、所以、然后)来帮助孩子们总结一个故事,而不用给他们一个图形组织工具。

下载全尺寸的打印材料:总结性图表组织者--高年级 [PDF] 和总结性图表组织者--低年级 [PDF] 。

James Wheeler

James Wheeler is a veteran educator with over 20 years of experience in teaching. He holds a master's degree in Education and has a passion for helping teachers develop innovative teaching methods that promote student success. James is the author of several articles and books on education and regularly speaks at conferences and professional development workshops. His blog, Ideas, Inspiration, and Giveaways for Teachers, is a go-to resource for teachers looking for creative teaching ideas, helpful tips, and valuable insights into the world of education. James is dedicated to helping teachers succeed in their classrooms and making a positive impact on the lives of their students. Whether you're a new teacher just starting out or a seasoned veteran, James' blog is sure to inspire you with fresh ideas and innovative approaches to teaching.