托尼-莫里森的儿童和青少年书籍 - 我们是教师

 托尼-莫里森的儿童和青少年书籍 - 我们是教师

James Wheeler

克洛伊-安东尼-沃夫德-莫里森,即世人所知的托尼-莫里森,是美国有史以来最重要的作家之一。 在无数的散文、小说和鲜为人知的儿童图画书中,莫里森成为以黑人及其经历为中心的作品的代表。 正如她所说:"如果有一本书你想读,但它还没有被写出来,那你就必须写出来。"

莫里森于2019年去世,她是带着一长串的荣誉来的。 她是普利策奖得主,兰登书屋的第一位黑人女编辑,也是第一位(也是唯一一位)获得诺贝尔文学奖的黑人女性。 她于2012年获得总统自由勋章。


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James Wheeler

James Wheeler is a veteran educator with over 20 years of experience in teaching. He holds a master's degree in Education and has a passion for helping teachers develop innovative teaching methods that promote student success. James is the author of several articles and books on education and regularly speaks at conferences and professional development workshops. His blog, Ideas, Inspiration, and Giveaways for Teachers, is a go-to resource for teachers looking for creative teaching ideas, helpful tips, and valuable insights into the world of education. James is dedicated to helping teachers succeed in their classrooms and making a positive impact on the lives of their students. Whether you're a new teacher just starting out or a seasoned veteran, James' blog is sure to inspire you with fresh ideas and innovative approaches to teaching.