

James Wheeler

我们都认识到>和<是 "大于 "和 "小于 "符号,但你的学生知道哪个是哪个吗?

我发现我的学生能够使用正确的符号,但他们不能告诉我每个符号的名称,也不能把它们作为数字句子的一部分来读,比如4<11。他们经常会说一些类似于 "鳄鱼嘴张开吃大的数字 "或 "11比4大 "这样的话。



从低年级开始,我们教学生流利地阅读其他数学符号,例如组成方程式4+3=7的五个符号,我们读作 "四加三等于七"。

然而,学生们经常被 相反,他们只被告知这些符号的作用,"鳄鱼嘴 "向大数字张开。

当然,当孩子们在中学阶段需要绘制不等式图或推理-2 4可能意味着什么时,这就成为一个问题。


我们有机会教授所有数学语言的运作方式。 大于和小于符号与一对数字一起构成 "不等式",这是解释两个数字之间关系的基本方式。



首先,明确告诉他们这些符号是有名字的。 如果他们忘记了哪个是哪个,我喜欢指出小于符号是一个L。

See_also: 为每一种教室设计的50多个奇妙的翻转格子想法


然后是练习朗读不等式,向教师、课堂伙伴和家长朗读。 他们如何知道自己读得是否正确? 数字应该有正确的顺序(不像4<11读成 "11大于4"),数字句应该有意义。"4大于11 "没有意义,认识到这个错误才是关键。给出了大于和小于它的指令性力量。

你是否同意学生们经常对这些特殊的符号有困难? 你有什么关于大于/小于的教学技巧? 请到我们Facebook上的WeAreTeachers HELPLINE小组来分享。

See_also: 校长赶走教师的7种方式 - WeAreTeachers

另外,在教乘法时说 "倍 "会使学生感到困惑,以及应该怎么说。

James Wheeler

James Wheeler is a veteran educator with over 20 years of experience in teaching. He holds a master's degree in Education and has a passion for helping teachers develop innovative teaching methods that promote student success. James is the author of several articles and books on education and regularly speaks at conferences and professional development workshops. His blog, Ideas, Inspiration, and Giveaways for Teachers, is a go-to resource for teachers looking for creative teaching ideas, helpful tips, and valuable insights into the world of education. James is dedicated to helping teachers succeed in their classrooms and making a positive impact on the lives of their students. Whether you're a new teacher just starting out or a seasoned veteran, James' blog is sure to inspire you with fresh ideas and innovative approaches to teaching.